Tech Stack: Firebase, React.js, Tailwind CSS, Jest, Testing Library
NoteWind is a note-taking app that allows you to create, edit, delete, and archive notes. Users can sign in and sign out using firebase authentication. You can filter as well as search notes. It also has features like changing note backgrounds, pin and unpin notes, and adding, editing, or removing labels.
Tech Stack: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Webpack, Jest, OpenWeatherMap API, Geolocation API
This app shows the current weather of a city. It uses OpenWeatherMap API to fetch the weather data. It can also show weather based on the user's current location using Geolocation API. The app changes the background according to different weather conditions.
Tech Stack: React.js, Tailwind CSS, Jest, Testing Library
As the name suggests, it is a game to test players' memory. The emojis shuffle after every selection. The goal is to maximize your score by not selecting the same emoji again. The game shows the current and best score of a player. It is Unit Tested with Jest and React Testing Library.